

Фрагмент картины Е.Ладыженского Катер лоцмана, репродуцированный в проспекте планов на летний квартал 2001 года музея Диаспоры в Тель-АвивеGroup And One-Man Exhibitions

1934 Tashkent , the 2 nd All-Uzbek Exhibition of Artists

1939 Moscow , the Artists' House, Youth Exhibition

1942 Borisoglebsk, One-man Exhibition, the Red Army House

1944 Moscow , Tretyakov Gallery, "The War and the Rear"

1951 Saratov , Radishchev Museum , Exhibition of Theatrical Stage Designers

1953 Moscow , Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists

1955 Moscow , Exhibition of Works Painted in the Academic Dacha

1956 Moscow , the 2 nd Exhibition of Water Colour Paintings by Moscow Artists

1956 Moscow , Exhibition of Theatre and Cinema Artists

1957 Moscow , the 3 rd Exhibition of Water Colour Paintings by Moscow Artists

1957 Moscow , Exhibition to the 1 st All-Union Congress of Soviet Artists

1957 Moscow , the All-Union Art Exhibition, Manezh Выставка Е.Ладыженского в Хайфе, в музее им. Мане Кац, 1996 год

1958 Moscow , the MOSKH Autumn Exhibition

1959 Moscow , Exhibition of Sketches of Theatrical Costumes

1959 Moscow , Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Ceramics

1960 Moscow , Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the 2 nd Exhibition of Etching

Пригласительный билет на открытие выставки Е.Ладыженского в Хайфе, в музее им. Мане Кац, 1996 год1960 Moscow , Manezh, Art Exhibition "The Soviet Russia "

1960 Moscow , Manezh, Exhibition of Paintings by Moscow Artists

1960 Moscow , Exhibition of Water Colour and Ceramics of Moscow Artists

1961 Moscow , the All-Union Art Exhibition at the Academy of Arts

1962 Moscow , One-man Exhibition in the Central Theatrical Society (Catalogue published)

1962 Moscow-Kiev, the 2 nd All-Union Exhibition of Etching

1962 Moscow , Exhibition to the All-Russian Conference of Stage Designers

1964 Moscow , " Moscow , the Capital of Our Homeland" На открытии выставки Е.Ладыженского в Музеон Исраель, в Иерусалиме, 1979 год

1965 Moscow , "The Great Patriotic War in Works of Stage Designers"

1965 Moscow , Manezh, the 2 nd Republican Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia "

1966 Moscow , Autumn Exhibition of Moscow Artists






1967 Moscow , Manezh, the All-Union Exhibition of Theatre and Cinema Artists

1967 SaoPaulo, Biennial Art Exhibition

1969 Moscow , the Moscow Artists' House, One-man Exhibition, На открытии выставки Е.Ладыженского в Музеон Исраель, в Иерусалиме, 1979 год(Catalogue published)

1970 Moscow , Manezh, "100 Years of Lenin's Birthday"

1973 Moscow , Manezh, Exhibition Dedicated to the 24 th Party Congress

1975 Moscow , Manezh, "30 Years of Victory Over Fascism"

1976 Moscow , Manezh, the 3 rd Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia "

1977 Moscow , the All-Union Exhibition of Drawing

1979-1980  Jerusalem , the Israeli Museum , One-man Exhibition (Catalogue published)

Haifa , the Haifa University New Gallery, One-man Exhibition (Catalogue published)

1982 Jerusalem , the Artists' House, One-man Exhibition



1982 Kibbutz Ein-Harod, Mishkan le-Omanut Museum , One-man На открытии выставки Е.Ладыженского в Хайфе, в музее им. Мане Кац, 1996 годExhibition

1985 Jerusalem , the Artists' House, One-man show ‘In Memory of the Artist Yefim Ladizhinsky'

1988 Jerusalem , Vera Gutkin Gallery, One-man Exhibition

1992 London , Barbican Centre, Concourse Gallery, Retrospective Exhibition (Catalogue published)

1993 Tel-Aviv, Shlomit Gallery, One-man Exhibition

1995 Kibbutz Bar-Am, Ben David Museum , One-man Exhibition

1996 Haifa , Mane Katz Museum , Group Exhibition.

Haifa , Mane Katz Museum , One-man Retrospective Exhibition

1999 New-York, Gregory Gallery , One-man Exhibition

2001-2002 Tel-Aviv, Diaspora Museum , One-man Exhibition (Catalogue published)

2002 New Jersey , Zimmerli Art Museum , Retrospective Exhibition (Catalogue published)

GINA Gallery of International Naive Art, Tel Aviv, Israel:

2004 The Na i ve World. Na i vism: Revisited

2005 Na i vism: A Summer Celebration. Recapturing Childhood

2006 New Paths of Na i vism (Part I). Na i ve Memories

2007 Na i vism: A Timeless Journey

2005 Madrid , Spain , Eboli Galeria de Arte.

Il Muestra de Arte Na i f Europeo

2005 The Jerusalem Theatre.

"Asenyka as seen by the Artist, her Grandfather Yefim Ladizhinsky"